Adjournment for one renewable year

Law number 665 issued in 4 February 2005
Clause 1: Contrary to any other stipulation, the military service provided for in the decree law number 102 issued in 16/9/1983 is to be conclusively invalidated in two years after the publication of this law in the official newspaper. ( Law number 665 issued in 4 February 2005 )
The high school and university student who is pursuing his studies for a full time in an official or private educational institution acknowledged by the specialized ministries:
- 20 years for a student in secondary school.
- 27 years for a student in a University.
- 32 years for the high university student,
The student’s service is not postponed if he’s pursuing his studies by mail
The army staff personnel – the mobilization directorate – arranges yearly schedule though which it determines the scholar levels which suites with the birth dates of the summoned.
Secondary schools and universities:
- If a secondary school student accomplished 20 years during his studies in the last secondary class (philosophy, math, science …), he will be postponed to March 1of the years which follows his current year and that to permit him to continue his university studies if he passed the secondary exam or he will be summoned to the military service.
- University studies mean all majors that take five years or less after the secondary certificate. If some majors take more than five years the adjournment will be prolonged according to the case.
- The vocational study (B.T) is considered as a secondary study but the TS student can postpone the service to attain 25 years maximum.
- Anyone who exceeds 20 years of age and doesn’t have a secondary certificate or what is equivalent to it cannot postpone his service.
Required Documents:
- A scholar certificate (technical or universal) according to the generalized model in the national education, high education, and technical education ministries where it should not be released before one month from applying for the definitive exemption.
- The certificates for the students’ continuation study abroad should be released, signed, and sealed by the educational institution that the student is continuing his studies in and should not be released before one month from applying for the final exemption.
Persons who prove medically their temporary inability to serve the Flag:
Required Documents:
- A medical report asserting the inability issued by the treating doctor.
- Concerned persons will be transferred to the Army Medical Jury which will decide about the case according to the Army’s general instructions.
The Single Supporter for his parents, his sisters, or brothers or children:
- The following conditions should be provided for the salary:
- Concerning the father: To have overstepped the sixty four years old or lacked strength to work for health reasons.
- Concerning the mother or the unmarried sister: If she has no (fixed or continuous) income to provide the expenses.
- Concerning the unmarried brother: to be under 18 years old or have failed to work for health reasons or he has a delay from military service (for studying).
- If he has no sources of subsistence for sustenance.
- The following conditions for the sustainer who undergoes the military service should be provided:
- To be responsible for his parents, brothers, or sisters or one of them incase he is staying with them or not.
- Not falling behind settling his situation concerning the duties of the military service for more than a year before handing in directly the sustenance application.\
- To have enough income for sustenance, and in all conditions it shouldn’t be less than the low limit of wages.
Required Documents:
- A family identification card for the father, and the married brother.
- A deed of death for the father, or the dead brother.
- A report from the physician of the sick provided who is unable to earn for being examined by the healthcare committees, if he is under 64 years old.
- A testimony from the village mayor that proves that the situation of the provided applies to what has been mentioned above in section 1-Case 3.
- A testimony signed by the boss of the supported which uncovers the kind of work and the quantity of the monthly salary.
- A photocopy of final exemption card of the discharged brother for health reasons, and a photocopy of the military service card for the delayed brother from the service because of continuing his studies.
The married even if the marriage happened during the temporary exemption:
Required Documents:
- A certified official family identity card.
- A certified official marriage document.
- A residence certificate.
Those who live outside Lebanon including the Arab countries:
The one who benefits from the postponement for a year starting from the date of the residence due to the conditions and the concept of staying abroad as following:
The individual is considered staying abroad in the following cases:
- As he obtains the foreign nationality.
- As he obtains a student visa or temporary stay terms determined by the concerned authorities of the residence country for the whole declared period to benefit from the temporary or full exemption.
And should have the following condition:
- Spending six continuous months abroad.
- Handing the application form for postponement during three months for entering the Lebanese territories.
Required Document:
An abroad stay certificate issued by the following references:
- The official authorized reference in the stay country (Ministry of Interior, Emigration Department, General Security Service, police, etc.) showing clearly the date, term and type of the beginning of the stay and certified by the authorities concerned and the Lebanese General Consulate.
- The Lebanese embassy (General Consulate) in the stay country according to the standard form, attached with the submitted certified papers (study or work certificates…) on which all of the required information are recorded.
- Showing Lebanese or foreign passports used during the declared stay term in order to check the dates of departure and arrival. If passports were not shown for any reason whatsoever, the alternative would be a certificate issued by the General Directorate of the General Security or the authorized departments in the stay country showing all departure and arrival moves, during the declared stay term.
- Proof of residence inside Lebanon with a declaration signed by the applicant stating his address and phone number abroad.
- A civil status or a photocopy of the identity card (ID).
The employed whose employment is proved
Required Documents:
For the daily employees in the public institutions and administration:
- A certified copy of the designation document.
- A certificate from the Labor union chief proves his subsistence in the job.
For the daily employees in the private institutions:
Required Documents:
- A certificate from the boss.
- A service certificate in the statistics directorate and job organization techniques in the National fund for social insurance or from the insurance institution (if he is a doctor, lawyer,etc)
The beneficiary from the definitive exemption or the postponement misses his right with the end of the reason of exemption or postponement or at his desire to abandon this right and that with a decision from the army commander upon request of the administration