Temporary exemption

Law number 665 issued in 4 February 2005
Clause 1: Contrary to any other stipulation, the military service provided for in the decree law number 102 issued in 16/9/1983 is to be conclusively invalidated in two years after the publication of this law in the official newspaper. ( Law number 665 issued in 4 February 2005 )
Members of the Government or of the Parliament.
Persons temporarily residing abroad until the date of their return.
Will be temporary exempted until:
- Entrance to the Lebanese territories.
- Reaching the age of 32.
- Will be summoned, without informing the one residing abroad, as soon as he finishes the age of 32, and is considered lacking unless another alibi was presented other than his residence abroad.
Required documents:
A document attesting of the residency abroad, issued by the proper authority or a copy of his resident’s card certified by the Lebanese embassy or consulate.
The documents are to be sent through the Lebanese embassy to the command of the armed forces.
Brothers of enlisted men until their demobilization will postpone their military service until the end of one of their services.
Required documents:
- A certified official familial identity document.
- A document attesting of the actual enlistment of the brother.
Persons sentenced to a prison term inferior to five years.
Required documents:
- A copy of the final sentence pronounced against them, certified by the proper legal authority during the serving of their time.
Persons arrested for interrogation, while under arrest.
Required documents:
- A document attesting of the arrest, issued by the proper legal authority.
The sole brother of a missed, until the determination of the situation of the missed brother.
Required documents:
- An official investigation report from the internal security forces.
- A certified official family identity document.
Remark: The beneficiary from the definitive exemption or the postponement misses his right with the end of the reason of exemption or postponement or at his desire to abandon this right and that with a decision from the army commander upon request of the administration